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Autor/inn/enGerace, Mary; Moriarty, Dick
InstitutionWindsor Univ. (Ontario). Faculty of Physical and Health Education.
TitelSocializing Sport or Athletic Excellence: The Role of Interschool Sports in the Secondary Schools of Ontario.
Quelle(1977), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAthletics; Foreign Countries; Group Activities; Physical Activities; Physical Education; Program Attitudes; School Surveys; Secondary Education; Social Behavior; Canada
AbstractThis document presents an overview of a survey conducted to determine the educational and social role of interschool sports in the secondary schools of Ontario, Canada. The study is based on the theory that the goal of most youth sports organizations is participation--to get as many children involved as possible. Conversely, professional-athletic organizations strive for elite athletics rather than mass participation. The behavior of the sports organization frequently does not facilitate the goal of participation, and the result is dysfunctional conflict. Primarily four variables serve as obstacles and bring pressure to bear upon the behaviour of those involved in the sport organization: the structure of the organization, the individuals and groups within the organization, stress from society at large, and strain from those within the organization. These variables are examined as they affect interschool sports competition. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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