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Autor/inBarnett, Delbert L.
InstitutionCalifornia Univ., Riverside.
TitelA Project for the Development of Performance-Competency Education.
Quelle(1977), (166 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Competency Based Education; Cooperative Planning; County Officials; Employers; Extension Education; Higher Education; Institutional Cooperation; Intercollegiate Cooperation; Local Government; Postsecondary Education; Regional Planning; School Business Relationship; School Districts; State Universities
AbstractAn account is given of a project to investigate the feasibility of developing a program of competency-based learning in the area served by the University Extension division of the University of California at Riverside. Representatives of top administration of the two counties served, county agencies, the municipal department, the school systems, and nine community colleges worked with the university in developing principles and procedures for competency-based learning programs. One conclusion is that an employer/institutional model is highly desired as an alternative for the postsecondary education and training of employed adults in the region, and further planning and development of the program is needed. (Author/MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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