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Sonst. PersonenTorres, Scottie (Hrsg.)
InstitutionFoundation for Exceptional Children, Reston, VA.
TitelA Primer on Individualized Education Programs for Handicapped Children.
Quelle(1977), (60 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Administrative Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Legislation; Handicapped Children; Individualized Instruction; Individualized Programs; Parent Role; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Student Evaluation; Teacher Role
AbstractIntended to be a practical guide for administrators, teachers, and parents on how to meet the individualized education program (IEP) requirements of Public Law 94-142, the primer provides 10 author contributed chapters to aid the reader in developing, implementing, and monitoring an IEP for every handicapped child. Chapters have the following titles and authors: "Understanding the Individualized Education Program" by A. Abeson and F. Weintraub (an explanation of the background, major issues, and intent of the IEP requirement); "Present Level(s) of Performance and Assessment--Some Basic Considerations" by J. Higgins (a discussion of basic assumptions of the assessment process in evaluating the child's present level of performance); "Annual Goals and Short Term Objectives" by J. Hayes (a rationale for written annual goals and a method for setting priorities); "Arranging Specific Educational Services to be Provided" by J. Greer and S. Torres (a review of IEP requirements necessary to identify and provide appropriate services within the local or intermediate education agency); "Evaluating Individualized Education Programs" by M.S. Lilly (an examination of evaluation responsibilities at the local and state education agency levels); "Meeting to Develop the Individualized Education Program" by R. Sherr (specification of the necessary components and functions of the meeting to develop the IEP); "The Teacher's Role in Development" by V. Garcia and M. Pinkelton (responsibilities and rights of teachers in the preparation, production, and implementation of the IEP);"Beyond the Individualized Education Program--The Instructional Plan" by J. Hayes (practical suggestions for monitoring pupil progress, providing feedback, and orginizing the classroom); "Parent Participation" by L. Winslow (suggestions for parents including due process information in the development of the IEP) and "Developing an Administrative Process--Some Decisions" by S. Torres (identification of decision points regarding administrative procedures, personnel issues, and alternative organizational patterns). (DB)
AnmerkungenThe Foundation for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 ($4.95)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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