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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inCummins, James
InstitutionOntario Inst. for Studies in Education, Toronto. Bilingual Education Project.
TitelBilingual Cognition: A Reply to Neufeld. Working Papers on Bilingualism, No. 4.
Quelle(1974), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAbstract Reasoning; Bilingual Students; Bilingualism; Code Switching (Language); Cognitive Development; Cognitive Processes; Concept Formation; Divergent Thinking; Intelligence Differences; Monolingualism; Psycholinguistics; Verbal Ability
AbstractThis paper attempts to clarify some of the issues raised in the author's earlier paper, "A Theoretical Perspective on the Relationship between Bilingualism and Thought" (Working Papers on Bilingualism, No. 1), as a response to Gerald Neufeld's critique, which appeared in No. 2 of the same series. The present paper argues that Neufeld mistakenly imputes to the first article certain beliefs regarding cognitive flexibility, the "switching hypothesis" and cultural stimulation. In the original paper these aspects of some bilingual learning situations were discussed purely as examples of possible non-linguistic explanatory factors for the positive effects of bilingualism on cognition that have been observed. The validity or lack of validity of these factors were not under examination in the original paper. The present paper also includes a table containing a summary of the observed effects of bilingualism on cognition and the suggested explanations of these effects. (Author/DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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