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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inWeinbach, Lana J.
InstitutionSaint Louis Community Coll. at Forest Park, MO.
TitelA Profile of Forest Park Community College Students, Fall 1974.
Quelle(1974), (34 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBlack Students; Career Choice; College Choice; College Freshmen; Comparative Analysis; Educational Objectives; Financial Support; Interests; Minority Groups; National Norms; Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics; Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges; Urban Education
AbstractIn fall 1974, Forest Park Community College (FPCC), a predominantly black, inner-city two-year college in St. Louis, Missouri, participated in the Cooperative Institutional Research Program, which is conducted annually to provide normative data on first-time freshmen students entering a national sample of colleges and universities. At FPCC, a total of 1,671 first-time freshmen completed the questionnaire, representing 83 percent of the first-time freshmen enrolled. A random sample of 1,515 returning students also completed the form. The first six tables presented here compare the characteristics of first-time freshmen at FPCC with those of the national norm for first-time freshmen at two-year public colleges. The remaining six tables compare the characteristics of first-time freshmen at FPCC with those of returning students at FPCC. Factors considered include (1) biographic and demographic data; (2) reasons for college choice, career goals, and educational goals; (3) income data and sources of financial support; (4) personal objectives and self-assessment; and (5) attitudes toward political issues, general issues, and college issues. (DC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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