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Autor/inBlair, George E.
InstitutionHuman Affairs Research Center, New York, NY.
TitelAn Experiment in Educating High School Dropouts: An Evaluation of the New York Urban League Street Academy Program.
Quelle(1970), (181 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDropout Prevention; Dropout Programs; Dropout Research; Dropouts; Educational Programs; Experimental Programs; High School Students; Program Administration; Program Costs; Program Descriptions; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Program Improvement; Student Characteristics; Urban Youth; New York (New York)
AbstractThe Street Academies discussed in this evaluation report are considered to represent outstanding attempts to develop positive culturally different instructional models, rather than the compensatory deficit disadvantaged models that are utilized by regular school programs. Seven chapters discuss the background of the Academies, purposes and procedures, participants and staff, financing the Academies, the program in operation, findings, conclusions, and recommendations, and future implications. Of the 14 academies studied, nine are judged to be successfully achieving the pursued objectives of admission to college, reconnection to formal education, improvement in academic achievement, development of self-pride and personal life-goals, development of the ability to think critically, and improvement of social and emotional adjustment. Two Academies are found moderately successful, with the remaining two minimally successful in attaining the shared objectives. Among the recommendations made are that the program be continued and expanded with some modifications, that goals and objectives be clarified, implemented, and promulgated, that a basic curriculum be standardized, that a comprehensive central system of program administration be implemented, and that recreation and artistic development be made integral parts of the program. (Author/AM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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