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Autor/inn/enSimonson, Michael R.; Volker, Roger P.
TitelA Media Practicum for Teacher Education Undergraduates.
Quelle(1975), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Communications; Course Objectives; Course Organization; Educational Media; Media Specialists; Practicums; Preservice Teacher Education; Teacher Education Curriculum
AbstractSeveral needs were identified at Iowa State University for a second level media course for undergraduate education majors. For students, these needs included more in-depth media training and earlier contact with public schools. For teachers, these needs included on-target teaching materials and instructional development assistance. To meet these needs, a course was developed which consisted of three types of activities: (1) formal university classwork in media skills including training in the Instructional Materials Center concept, literature in media, photography, videotaping, individualized instruction, and computer-assisted instruction; (2) public school work which included a at least two hours per week in the classroom of media-conscious cooperating teacher; and (3) curriculum development activities where a student is helped to identify a curricular problem area and then follows a systematic approach to the development of mediated teaching materials to remedy this problem area. Evaluations indicate the course has been successful. A topic outline, grading procedures, and an evaluation sheet are included. (Author/KKC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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