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Autor/inSchonfeld, William R.
TitelThe Importance of Politics: A Study of French Secondary School Students. Draft.
Quelle(1975), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterActivism; Family Characteristics; Political Affiliation; Political Attitudes; Political Influences; Political Science; Political Socialization; Religious Factors; Secondary Education; Secondary School Students; Social Science Research; Socioeconomic Influences; Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics; France
AbstractThe relative importance of government as measured in a sample of French secondary students is examined. Drawn from four different schools, 481 Parisian pupils served as the sample for the study. The students responded to a questionnaire ranking the importance of their relationships with the government and the police with seven other specific relationships including parents, brothers and sisters, friends, the opposite sex, teachers, merchants, and neighbors. The results indicated that relationships with the government and police are among the least important. For the small group that did consider politics important, there are similar background characteristics. Politics are more important for older students, boys, atheists, those who do not practice their religion, and pupils whose fathers have upper class occupations. Atheists, Protestants, and Jews are more likely than Catholics to be highly politicized. (Author/DE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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