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Autor/inBeale, Calvin L.
InstitutionEconomic Research Service (USDA), Washington, DC.
TitelThe Revival of Population Growth in Nonmetropolitan America.
[Report No.: ERS-605
Quelle(1975), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBirth Rate; Change Agents; Decentralization; Futures (of Society); Industry; Older Adults; Population Growth; Population Trends; Recreational Activities; Retirement; Rural Areas; Rural Resettlement; Rural Urban Differences; State Colleges; Urban to Rural Migration
AbstractPopulation grew faster in nonmetro than in metro countries of the United States between 1970 and 1973. This trend reverses the previous pattern of inmigration to cities. Among the reasons for increases in rural areas and small towns are: (1) decentralization of manufacturing and other industry; (2) increased settlement of retired people; (3) expansion of State colleges; (4) more recreation activity; and (5) apparent higher birth rate in nonmetro areas. Also, urban areas have become less appealing to many people, for under conditions of general affluence, low total population growth, easy transportation and communication, modernization of rural life, and urban population massings so large that the advantages of urban life are diminished, a downward shift to smaller communities may seem both feasible and desirable. Much new thought, therefore, is needed on the probable course of future population distribution in the United States, uncolored either by value-laden residential fundamentalism or by outmoded analytical premises. (Author/JC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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