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Autor/inn/enBerryman, Carolyn; Perry, Beverely
InstitutionBristol City Board of Education, TN.
TitelA Manual for Teachers of Learning Disabled Children.
Quelle(1974), (110 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAuditory Perception; Behavior Problems; Class Activities; Concept Formation; Elementary School Students; Exceptional Child Education; Learning Disabilities; Mainstreaming; Motor Development; Perceptual Development; Perceptual Motor Coordination; Remedial Instruction; Teaching Guides; Visual Perception
AbstractPresented are remedial activities for use by the classroom teacher with learning disabled elementary school children in her regular class. An introductory section discusses specific learning deficits, general motor coordination deficits, and behavior manifestations. Offered are 15 generalizations about teaching the learning disabled child such as the importance of careful evaluation. Provided for each of 50 remedial areas is a definition of the desired skill, an example of a related disability, and five to 25 remedial suggestions. Teaching suggestions are given for the following gross motor skills: rolling, running, jumping, skipping, throwing, balance, posture, body movement, rhythm and muscle strength. Activities for visual-motor fine muscle coordination and handwriting are given in the category of fine motor skills. Suggestions are also given for the following perceptual-motor skills: body image, position in space, spatial relationships, directionality, laterality, tactile discrimination, and manual expression. Also provided are teaching suggestions for the following visual skills: visual coordination and pursuit, visual reception (decoding), visual memory, visual sequencing, visual-figure ground differentiation, visual form discrimination, visual closure; and the following auditory skills: auditory reception (decoding), auditory discrimination, auditory memory, auditory sequencing, auditory-vocal association, and sound blending. Conceptualization skills are divided into the areas of general information, vocabulary, comprehension, classification, vocal fluency and encoding, letter recognition, spelling grammatic closure, and arithmetic processes. A final section on disorders of behavior offers remedial suggestions for distractibility and perservation. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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