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Autor/inn/enSmith, Robert R.; Milan, Michael A.
InstitutionRehabilitation Research Foundation, Elmore, AL.
TitelA Survey of the Home Furlough Policies of American Correctional Agencies.
Quelle, (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Adults; Correctional Institutions; Correctional Rehabilitation; Federal Programs; Laws; Males; Policy Formation; Prisoners; Program Evaluation; Questionnaires; Research Needs; Standards; State Programs; Surveys
AbstractA survey determining how widespread the policy of prisoner furloughs has become and how well the programs which have been implemented are operated was conducted. A questionnaire regarding home furlough policies was distributed to the directors of the departments of corrections of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The questionnaire requested a copy of the law and/or regulations under which home furlough programs were authorized (if applicable) and posed nine questions. These questions include: (1) Do you have a policy of sending adult male inmates home for emergencies? (2) Do you have adult male inmate home furloughs for other than emergency purposes? (3) Do you have a law for adult male inmate home furloughs? and (4) What are the criteria under which adult male inmates are selected for home furlough? Findings include: (1) The granting of emergency leave is a widespread practice in American corrections; (2) The home furlough program is a relatively new addition to American correctional practices; and (3) The criteria under which the various agencies grant furloughs typically stipulate that persons considered for the program be of minimum custody status, have either served a fixed amount of their sentence or be within some fixed time of release and be approved by a review committee which considers the applicant's institutional record, home situation, and past history. Further research on home furlough programs is suggested. (CK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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