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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionWestern Curriculum Project on Canada Studies, Edmonton (Alberta).
TitelProject Canada West. Pressure Groups and the Urban Community.
Quelle(1971), (51 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCity Government; Civics; Curriculum Development; Governmental Structure; Inquiry; Interdisciplinary Approach; Local Government; Political Issues; Political Power; Political Science; Political Socialization; Problem Solving; Projects; Secondary Education; Social Sciences; Student Attitudes; Surveys; Urban Studies; Canada
AbstractThis project's study of pressure groups in Canadian urban government proposes the development of an interdisciplinary social science cirriculum for the secondary school student in grades 9 through 12 which would give meaningful perspective toward the various decision-making structures and processes. Other major objectives are: 1) to enable the student to perceive the nature, development, and significance of political issues; 2) to develop problem solving skills in analyzing and comparing political issues; and, 3) to develop inquiry skills using case studies, and media. A preliminary questionnaire survey was conducted with Lethbridge and Coaldale, Alberta students: 1) to discover when and why student's social and political alienation occurs at various decision-making levels: family, peer group, student council, city government, or provincial government; 2) to gain insight into the degrees students think they understand the decision-making processes at these levels; 3) to discover the students level of concern or interest, and the degree of influence they think they have regarding these structures; and 4) to look at the political and governmental knowledge. The results and interpretations are given concerning the overall positive attitudes yet demonstrated lack of knowledge of the functions of the political system. A framework and list of generalizations regarding the curriculum are given along with an outline of materials to be developed, and a selected bibliography. (Author/SBE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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