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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionDigital Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA.
TitelBASIC Application Programs. Set 1 (15 Programs); Set 2 (19 Programs); Set 3 (12 Programs).
Quelle(1971), 33p. (133 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAlgebra; Arithmetic; Biology; Business Education; Chemistry; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Programs; Concept Teaching; Data Processing; Ecology; Electronics; Games; Geometry; Mathematics; Physics; Program Descriptions; Risk; Sciences; Social Studies; Statistics
AbstractThe programs in these three booklets are designed to demonstrate how the computer can be applied to the problems of many disciplines. The problems and the corresponding computer programs are, for the most part, quite simple and are designed to be "jumping-off points" for students from the high school level up. Programs include one or more from each of the following areas: mathematics (calculating, algebra, geometry, plotting), statistics, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, social studies, electricity and electronics, business, and games (slot machine or one-armed bandit). In addition to the computer program, the source, a description of the program, a discussion of the approach used in solving it, a sample printout, and the educational benefits are listed for each problem. The language BASIC is used for all programs. (Author/JK)
AnmerkungenDigital Equipment Corporation, Educational Marketing (5-2), 146 Main St., Maynard, Mass. 10754 (set 1, $1.00; Set 2, $1.25; Set 3, $0.75)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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