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Autor/inRosenthal, Kristine
TitelA Study in Child Care (Case Study from Volume II-B): "Someplace Secure." Day Care Programs Reprint Series.
Quelle(1970), (50 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Involvement; Counseling Services; Day Care; Home Programs; Low Income Groups; Organization; Parent Participation; Program Descriptions; Residential Care; Security; Social Services
AbstractThe Neighborhood Centers Day Care Association (NCDCA) is a private, nonprofit corporation which for 18 years has provided day care services to low income and welfare families in the Houston area. More than 1,100 children are presently being served. There are eight centers and about 180 day homes which are used to supplement the care available at the centers, either because no center exists in the neighborhood or because it is felt the home environment would be more suited to a particular child. Other outstanding aspects of the NCDCA program are its stability over many years of operation, the job security it provides for staff, and its capacity for delivering social services through counseling and referrals. Creativity and independence are important to the NCDCA education program, and a high value is placed by teachers and parents on manners and an ordered routine. Development programs in the day homes are somewhat limited because of lack of training of the day home operators, but warm and continuing care is provided. The organization, staff and budget of the NCDCA is described. An appendix gives additional illustrative materials. (NH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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