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Sonst. PersonenBirkmaier, Emma Marie (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAmerican Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York, NY.; Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago, IL.
TitelBritannica Review of Foreign Language Education: Volume 1, 1968.
Quelle(1969), (450 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterApplied Linguistics; Bilingualism; Classical Languages; Curriculum Development; Educational Psychology; Foreign Culture; Instructional Program Divisions; Language Instruction; Language Tests; Literature Appreciation; Literature Reviews; Modern Languages; Physiology; Program Evaluation; Programed Instruction; Second Language Learning; Teacher Education; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis is the first volume in an annual series which collects, catalogues, analyzes, and compresses basic information intended to help improve foreign language instruction in America. The review, covering all levels of instruction, ranges from equipment selection standards to planning of bilingual programs. It concerns itself with materials development and selection and explores the theoretical bases of language instruction including psychology, linguistics, sociology, and other relevant areas of scholarship. The chapters cluster in two major divisions. The first deals with the context and organization of foreign language learning; the second, with the theory and practice of foreign language teaching and learning. Topics covered in chapters include: (1) introduction to the review, (2) linguistics, (3) culture, (4) literature, (5) trends in the foreign language curriculum, (6) physiology and psychology of second language learning, (7) bilingualism, (8) teacher education and supervision, (9) methods, (10) machine-aided language learning, (11) testing, (12) program evaluation, (13) classical studies, and (14) language enrollment trends. An index is provided. For a companion document see FL 002 148. (RL)
AnmerkungenACTFL Materials Center, 62 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10011 ($12.50 non-members, $10.00 members)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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