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Autor/inHall, Wade
InstitutionIndiana Council of Teachers of English, Terre Haute.
Titel"The Truth Is Funny": A Study of Jesse Stuart's Humor.
Quelle(1970), (79 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDeath; Fiction; Folk Culture; Humor; Imagery; Literary Criticism; Literary Styles; Local Color Writing; Naturalism; Poetry; Regional Dialects; Satire; Social Relations; Tales; Twentieth Century Literature; United States Literature
AbstractThis study of works of Jesse Stuart treats in some depth the setting and background for the humor in his writings, his reverence for the eastern Kentucky hill country, and the various ways he uses materials from his own life and observations as subject matter for his fictional world. After establishing Stuart's kinship with earlier frontier humorists, the book examines Stuart's use of (1) dialect and the natural metaphors of folk speech, (2) eccentric characters and the importance of superstition in their lives, (3) feuds and their causes, conventions, and settlements, (4) folk mythology and the telling of tall tales, (5) the balanced relationship between hill men and the land, (6) the rituals of coming of age in the hills, (7) the political and religious behavior of the hill people, (8) attitudes toward death and views of afterlife in the hills, and (9) Appalachia as a microcosm of humanity. Stuart's novel, "Foretaste of Glory," is then analyzed as an example of his humor and satire. (JM)
AnmerkungenIndiana Council of Teachers of English, Division of Extended Services, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809 ($2.50)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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