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Autor/inColton, Winifred J.
InstitutionYWCA of the U.S.A., New York, NY.
TitelLeaders Unlimited; Resources for Training. Developed in Junior Leaders Schools 1961-1965.
Quelle, (230 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEvaluation Methods; Guidelines; Individual Development; Investigations; Leadership Training; Measurement Instruments; Moral Values; Objectives; Physical Education; Program Evaluation; Questionnaires; Religious Organizations; Sensitivity Training; Student Evaluation; Training Methods; Voluntary Agencies; Youth; Youth Leaders
AbstractThis study of Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) junior leader training programs for teenagers, 1961-65, investigated program elements thought to affect leader growth and development. The training experience was keyed to broad YMCA purposes, objectives of the training schools, and individual goals. Personal goal setting, stressed as a means of instilling responsibility for oneself and others, entailed developing a working relationship between advisors and junior leaders, helping individuals become aware of their growth potential, and conducting human relations skill training and modified sensitivity training. Procedures included written scales and personal inventories, Christian social influence skills courses, decision making and gaining group consensus, and varying uses of discussion, role playing, and demonstrations for training in moral values. Sentence completion tests, content analysis of goals, evaluations of school programs and junior leader performance, followup questionnaires and interviews, and other evaluation techniques were described, together with major findings obtained. (The document includes additional questionnaires, program evaluations, and other materials pertaining to the training schools surveyed.) (ly)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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