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Autor/inn/enLasswell, Thomas E.; und weitere
InstitutionDeasy and Bolling, Architects, Los Angeles, CA.
TitelActions, Objectives & Concerns. Human Parameters for Architectural Design.
Quelle(1969), (100 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStudie; Behavior Patterns; Behavioral Science Research; Building Design; Campus Planning; College Buildings; Design Requirements; Educational Facilities Design; Environmental Research; Individual Needs; Psychological Studies; Social Environment
AbstractAn experiment conducted at California State College, Los Angeles, to test the value of social-psychological research in defining building needs is described. The problems of how to identify and synthesize the disparate objectives, concerns and actions of the groups who use or otherwise have an interest in large and complex buildings is discussed. An effort is made to formally relate the techniques and knowledge of the behavioral sciences to the architectural design process, the purpose being to produce buildings that are better related to human needs. The procedures described can provide a tool for defining the objectives of planning and design. Sections include the following--(1) statement of purpose, (2) the campus, (3) observational data, (4) interview data, (5) program recommendations, and (6) summary and conclusion. Appendix A deals with the social psychological models for programming a student union. (RK)
AnmerkungenDeasy and Bolling, 8810 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; California State College, Los Angeles, Calif.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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