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Autor/UrheberCaeiro Rodríguez, Manuel; Anido Rifón, Luis; Lamas Nistal, Martín
TitelEngineering modular web-based education systems to support EML units of learning.
QuelleAus: 19 th IFIP World Computer Congress - WCC 2006. (2006)
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Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterCiencias Informáticas; Educación; Modeling
AbstractEducational Modeling Languages (EMLs) have been proposed to support the modeling of units of learning enabling the description of different pedagogical approaches. Eventually, such models are intended to support the operation of appropriate computer systems, controlling and managing the corresponding units of learning. This paper considers EMLs involving a set of independent perspectives. Our purpose is to use this set of perspectives to facilitate the development of Web-based education systems that are able to support the execution of EML models. As a result, we obtain a modular architecture where different pedagogical approaches can be supported. ; Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources Conference ; Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI)
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