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Autor/inn/enBaldschun, Andreas; Hämäläinen, Juha; Töttö, Pertti
TitelJob-strain and well-being among Finnish social workers.
Exploring the differences in occupational well-being between child protection social workers and social workers without duties in child protection.
QuelleIn: European journal of social work, 22 (2019) 1, S. 43-58Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmpirische Untersuchung; Vergleich; Burnout-Syndrom; Trauma (Psy); Kinderschutz; Trauma (Med); Arbeitsbedingungen; Sozialarbeiter; Statistik; Öffentlicher Sozialdienst; Analyse; Forschungsbericht; Finnland
AbstractWork-related mental distress and its impact on employees' working life is a mounting issue among Finnish social workers. This article focuses on identifying the factors associated with child welfare social workers' occupational well-being. The occupational well-being of Finnish child welfare social workers (N = 364) and social workers whose duties do not include child protection work (N = 524) was explored and compared with each other using t-test statistics and logistic regression analysis. The data, collected in 2014/2015, were obtained from an ongoing longitudinal cohort study on work-related well-being among Finnish public sector employees.
Erfasst vonDeutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, Berlin
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