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Sonst. PersonenWächter, Bernd (Hrsg.); Maiworm, Friedhelm (Hrsg.)
TitelEnglish-taught programmes in European higher.
The state of play in 2014 education.
QuelleBonn: Lemmens (2014), 138 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLehre; Fremdsprache; Auslandsbeziehungen; Mobilität; Studium; Bologna-Prozess; Studienverhalten; Akademischer Austausch; Master-Studiengang; Akademischer Grad; Bachelor-Studiengang; Studentenschaft; Student; SOCRATES (Förderung der Schul- und Hochschulbildung); Ausland; Europa
AbstractThis is the third study on English-medium instruction of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA). Like its predecessors, this report maps the provision of English-taught Bachelor and Master programmes in non-English-speaking European countries. Using the results of its predecessor publications as historical references, the present study is able to trace the quantitative - and, to an extent, qualitative - development of English-medium instruction over a 12-year period. The number of English-taught Bachelor and Master programmes has risen by almost 1,000% in the period since 2002. Growth in student enrolment in these programmes has been far more moderate, however. Furthermore, there remain huge differences between individual countries, especially in the form of a North-South divide. As in our earlier reports, the Nordic countries and the Netherlands are the leading providers. The runners-up are the Baltic States. Southern European countries are still largely 'abstentious'. The bulk of the provision of English-medium instruction is concentrated in programmes at the Master level. (HRK / Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn
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