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Autor/inStaley, Lynn
TitelTime To Say Good-bye. For Parents Particularly.
QuelleIn: Childhood Education, 76 (2000) 3, S.170-71Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Bereavement; Child Rearing; Children; Death; Emotional Adjustment; Grief; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Role; Parents
AbstractDiscusses the parental challenge of helping children say good-bye to a terminally ill loved one. Describes children's understanding of death and the grieving process. Provides suggestions for helping children, including letting children decide about visits to the hospital, expressing one's own feelings, encouraging questions, and returning to daily routines. (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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