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Autor/inBaker, Simon
TitelJesse Olney's Innovative Geography Text of 1828 for Common Schools.
QuelleIn: Journal of Geography, 95 (1996) 1, S.32-38Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducational History; Educational Improvement; Educational Innovation; Elementary Education; Ethnocentrism; Geography; Geography Instruction; Instructional Materials; Social Studies; Textbook Content; Textbook Evaluation; Textbook Preparation; Textbook Publication; Textbook Research; Textbook Standards
AbstractExamines the strengths and weaknesses of an 1828 geography textbook for children, specifically in relation to other textbooks. Jesse Olney's text deviated from the norm by introducing the students to activities focused on community and local geography. Ethnocentrism and racism occasionally marred the lavishly illustrated text. (MJP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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