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Autor/inn/enSkidmore, Susan Troncoso; Zientek, Linda Reichwein; Hsu, Hsien-Yuan; Edmonson, Stacey L.
TitelProfiles of Undergraduate Completers: Acknowledging Alternative Paths
QuelleIn: Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 71 (2023) 1, S.24-39 (16 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Skidmore, Susan Troncoso)
ORCID (Zientek, Linda Reichwein)
ORCID (Hsu, Hsien-Yuan)
ORCID (Edmonson, Stacey L.)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterUndergraduate Study; College Graduates; Graduation Rate; Profiles; Time to Degree; Public Colleges; Grade Point Average; College Credits; Student Characteristics; Undergraduate Students; Remedial Instruction
AbstractThere is a multitude of studies that have examined graduation rates within the traditional 4- to 6-year time frame. What fails to be captured in these studies are students who are outside the 4- to 6-year time frame. In the present study, we sought to empirically explore a cohort of students who successfully completed their bachelor's degrees at a Carnegie classified doctoral research, public, 4-year university in the Southwest using a latent profile analysis. Institutional records (N = 14,743) for all undergraduate students who graduated Fall 2011-Summer 2016 are represented in our data, including first-time full- and part-time students, transfer students, and students who previously had stopped out of postsecondary education. Three key indicators were used to describe the classes: time to degree, grade point average, and a number of credits earned. The resulting 5-class solution identified the following classes: on-time graduates, traditional extenders, interrupted extenders, midlife extenders, and determined extenders. Characteristics of the classes and implications are provided. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenRoutledge. Available from: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 530 Walnut Street Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Tel: 800-354-1420; Tel: 215-625-8900; Fax: 215-207-0050; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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