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Autor/inn/enCulclasure, Brooke T.; Fleming, David J.; Riga, Ginny
TitelAn Evaluation of Montessori Education in South Carolina's Public Schools
Quelle(2018), (39 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Culclasure, Brooke T.)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterProgram Evaluation; Montessori Schools; Montessori Method; Public Schools; Program Implementation; Fidelity; School Demography; Academic Achievement; Student Behavior; Outcomes of Education; Creativity; Interpersonal Competence; Study Habits; Executive Function; Teacher Attitudes; Job Satisfaction; South Carolina
AbstractWith support from the Self Family Foundation and the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee, the Riley Institute has completed a multi-year study of Montessori education in South Carolina's public schools, the most comprehensive evaluation of public Montessori ever conducted in the United States. Between 2011 and 2016, this mixed-method study examined how Montessori impacts stakeholders in South Carolina and provided information needed to guide future investment in Montessori education. Researchers investigated the following as parts of the study: the extent to which schools implemented Montessori with fidelity; the demographic makeup of public school Montessori students; the effect of Montessori education on academic and behavioral outcomes; the impact of Montessori education on creativity, social skills, work habits, and executive function; and Montessori teachers' perspectives on job satisfaction and the challenges of Montessori in the public sector. The study results demonstrate that students in public school Montessori classrooms across the state are faring well, as compared to similar non-Montessori public school students, when examining academic, behavioral, and affective outcomes. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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