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Sonst. PersonenBranch, Robert Maribe (Hrsg.); Lee, Hyewon (Hrsg.); Tseng, Sheng Shiang (Hrsg.)
TitelEducational Media and Technology Yearbook, Volume 42
Quelle(2019), (456 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; Educational Technology; Technology Uses in Education; Computer Simulation; Technology Integration; Electronic Learning; Critical Literacy; Affordances; Learner Engagement; Educational Change; Interaction; Medical Students; Video Technology; Computer Games; Instructional Design; Library Services; College Faculty; Graduate Study; Foreign Countries; Professional Associations; Educational Media; Canada
AbstractThis is Volume 42 of the "Educational Media and Technology Yearbook." For the past 40 years, the Yearbook has contributed to the field of Educational Technology in presenting contemporary topics, ideas, and developments regarding diverse technology tools for educational purposes. This Yearbook has inspired researchers, practitioners, and teachers to consider how to develop technological designs and develop curricula and instruction integrating technology to enhance student learning, teach diverse populations across levels with effective technology integration, and apply technology in interactive ways to motivate students to engage in course content. Part One of this updated volume, "Trends and Issues in Learning, Design, and Technology," presents: (1) Issues and Trends in Instructional Technology: Access to Mobile Technologies, Digital Content, and Online Learning Opportunities Continues as Spending on IT Remains Steady (Abbie Brown and Tim Green); (2) Second Thoughts: Understanding the Impact and Appropriate Use and Non-use of Technologies (Brad Hokanson and Amie Norden); (3) Enhancing Student Critical Literacy through Social Annotations (Yu-Tien Huang, Shu-Min Shih, and Sheng Shiang Tseng); and (4) 2019 Scholarship Rankings (Rick West and Robert Bodily). In addition, Volume 42 features the Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) research and educational use cases, organized and coordinated by Vivienne and David. This section provides evidence that the affordances of AR, VR, and mixed reality, defined as an immersive multi-platform experience reality (XR), have begun to make indelible changes in teaching and learning in the United States. XR's recent developments stimulated the editors to propose a special edition to mark the interoperability of immersive technology to push the boundaries of human curiosity, creativity, and problem solving. After years of incremental development, XR has reached a critical level of investment, infrastructure, and emerging production. The chapters included in Part Two illustrate how XR can push user inquiry, engagement, learning, and interactivity to new levels within physical and digital contexts. Part Two includes: (1) Introduction (V. J. McClendon and David R. Squires); (2) The Immersive Experience: How Virtual Reality Can Support Student Learning (Colin P. Saunders and Jennifer A. Bennett); (3) The Effects of a VR Intervention on Career Interest, Empathy, Communication Skills, and Learning with Second-Year Medical Students (Erin Washington and Carrie Shaw); (4) Sensory Worlds: Emotional Geography and Human-Centered Design in 360° VR Ethnographic Videos (R. Scott Wilson); (5) Accessing the Pokélayer: Augmented Reality and Fantastical Play in "Pokémon Go" (Lucas J. Jensen, Keri D. Valentine, and Joshua P. Case); (6) Visualization of Molecular Structures Using Augmented Reality (Domhnall OShaughnessy); (7) Instructional Designs and Educational Technologies Within Augmented Reality Transmedia Storytelling: IDET ARTS (David R. Squires); (8) VR as Library Technology: Early Faculty and Student Feedback on Educational Use of Immersive Technology (V. J. McClendon and James Riggall); and (9) Immersive Media and Their Future (Regina Kaplan-Rakowski and Kay Meseberg). In Part Three, Robert G. Doyle provides leadership profiles on Professor Ana Donaldson and Professor Richard Cornell. Part Four includes an introduction and "Organizations and Associations in the United States and Canada" (Robert Maribe Branch). Part Five includes an introduction and "Graduate Programs in Learning, Design, Technology, Information, or Libraries" (Robert Maribe Branch). Lastly, Part Six includes an introduction and "Mediagraphy" (Sheng Shiang Tseng). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenSpringer. 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013. Tel: 800-777-4643; Tel: 212-460-1500; Fax: 212-348-4505; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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