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Sonst. PersonenSanchez, Daniel (Mitarb.) ; Hawkey, James (Mitarb.)
InstitutionFryske Akademy (Netherlands), Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning
TitelCatalan: The Catalan Language in Education in France, 2nd Edition. Regional Dossiers Series
Quelle(2019), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRomance Languages; Language Minorities; Educational Policy; Educational Improvement; Second Language Learning; Native Language; Geographic Regions; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Preschool Education; Higher Education; Vocational Education; Web Sites; Language Planning; Bilingual Education; Second Language Instruction; Language Usage; Educational Administration; France
AbstractThe aim of the dossier is to provide a concise description of European minority languages in education. Aspects that are addressed include features of the education system, recent educational policies, main actors, legal arrangements and support structures, as well as quantitative aspects such as the number of schools, teachers, pupils, and financial investments. Because of this fixed structure the dossiers in the series are easy to compare. The dossiers serve several purposes and are relevant for policymakers, researchers, teachers, students and journalists who wish to explore developments in minority language schooling in Europe. They can also serve as a first orientation towards further research, or function as a source of ideas for improving educational provisions in their own region. Today, Catalan is spoken by just over ten million people, including second language speakers (Plataforma per la llengua, 2018, p. 5) across Spain (the autonomous communities of Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and small parts of Aragon and Murcia), Andorra (where it is the sole official language), Italy (in the city of L'Alguer in Sardinia) and France. The dossier begins with an introduction about the region concerned, followed by six sections that each deals with a specific level of the education system (e.g. primary education). Sections eight and nine cover the main lines of research into education of the concerned minority language, the prospects for the minority language in general and for education in particular. The tenth section gives a summary of statistics. Lists of regulations, publications and useful addresses concerning the minority language, are given at the end of the dossier. [This regional dossier was originally compiled by Mr. Daniel Sanchez. James Hawkey revised and updated the dossier in 2019.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenMercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning. Fryske Akademy, P.O.Box 54, NL-8900 AB Ljouwert, The Netherlands. Tel: +31-58-213-1414; Fax: +31-58-213-1409; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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