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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionNational Council on Teacher Quality
TitelState Teacher Policy Yearbook: What States Can Do to Retain Effective New Teachers, 2008. Vermont
Quelle(2008), (78 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Mentors; Teacher Competencies; State Government; Government Role; Teacher Qualifications; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Persistence; State Standards; Data Collection; Databases; Instructional Effectiveness; Tenure; Teacher Evaluation; Observation; Student Evaluation; Standardized Tests; Beginning Teachers; Beginning Teacher Induction; Teacher Certification; Teacher Salaries; Merit Pay; Teaching Experience; Teacher Shortage; Compensation (Remuneration); Retirement Benefits; Teacher Retirement; Teacher Dismissal; Educational Objectives; Vermont
AbstractThis report presents the Vermont edition of the National Council on Teacher Quality's 2008 "State Teacher Policy Yearbook." The 2008 "Yearbook" focuses on how state policies impact the retention of effective new teachers. This policy evaluation is broken down into three areas that encompass 15 goals. Broadly, these goals examine the impact of state policy on 1) identifying effective teachers, 2) retaining those deemed effective and 3) exiting those deemed ineffective. While Vermont is making progress toward meeting a few of the goals, it lags behind other states in most others. The state completely missed eight goals, met a small portion of three and partially met four. Vermont is taking steps in the right direction in ensuring only factors that advance teacher effectiveness are required for permanent licenses, giving local school districts full authority for pay scales, and ensuring a pension system that is both neutral and fair. Significant remaining work includes requiring instructional effectiveness in teacher evaluations, making tenure decisions meaningful and requiring a mentoring program for new teachers. Vermont's progress toward meeting these goals is summarized. The body of the report provides a more detailed breakdown of the state's strengths and weaknesses in each area. Vermont has an overall performance of F for 2008. Goals for each area are appended. (Contains 57 tables.) [Additional support for the 2008 "State Teacher Policy Yearbook" was provided by the Teaching Commission. For the national report, see ED514690.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Council on Teacher Quality. 1420 New York Avenue NW Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-393-0020; Fax: 202-393-0095; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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