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InstitutionNew Mexico State Dept. of Education, Santa Fe
TitelMaking Schools Work. 2010 Annual Report
Quelle(2010), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStrategic Planning; Schools of Education; School Readiness; Recognition (Achievement); Community Involvement; Educational Change; Public Education; Achievement Gap; Educational Improvement; Change Strategies; Educational Quality; Accountability; Parent Participation; Teacher Qualifications; Educational Environment; College Preparation; Job Skills; State Standards; Academic Standards; Achievement Gains; American Indian Education; State Legislation; Health Promotion; Minority Groups; Hispanic American Students; African American Students; English (Second Language); Nutrition; Educational Finance; Teacher Salaries; Teacher Certification; Educational Technology; Rural Schools; Advanced Placement; Standardized Tests; New Mexico
AbstractThe New Mexico Public Education Department 2010 Annual Report was created as a way to reflect on the accomplishments in education that occurred under Governor Bill Richardson's administration from 2002-2010. In 2003, the Governor outlined a reform agenda and pledged his commitment to improve education in New Mexico. In the fall of 2003, Governor Richardson nominated New Mexico's first cabinet level Secretary of Education, Dr. Veronica Garcia. She began her term by outlining an aggressive, integrated action plan to raise expectations and close the achievement gap in New Mexico. Together with the Governor, Secretary Garcia drafted a state strategic plan for education, Making Schools Work, to address the unique needs of New Mexico students. They identified the following reform areas to target: (1) Academic Rigor and Accountability; (2) Closing the Achievement Gap; (3) School Readiness; (4) Quality Teachers; (5) Parent & Community Involvement; (6) 21st Century Classrooms; and (7) College & Workforce Readiness. These seven areas provide the structure for this annual report. Due to Secretary Garcia's effort up to her retirement in July of 2010, New Mexico leads the nation in comprehensive approaches to education reform and has received significant national recognition. In August 2010, Dr. Susanna Murphy was appointed Secretary Designate and continued the momentum of reform. The accomplishments listed in this report illustrate the profound transformation that took place in education in New Mexico over the past eight years, truly confirming Bill Richardson as the Education Governor for the state. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNew Mexico Public Education Department. 300 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe, NM 87501-2786. Tel: 505-827-5800; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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