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Sonst. PersonenOlaniran, Bolanle A. (Hrsg.)
TitelCases on Successful E-Learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy
Quelle(2010), (431 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Electronic Learning; Operations Research; Distance Education; Online Courses; Data Analysis; Case Studies; Organizational Development; Labor Force Development; Knowledge Management; Disadvantaged; Training Methods; Economic Development; Cultural Differences; Developed Nations; Developing Nations; Global Approach; Cooperation; Affective Behavior; Satisfaction; Males; African American Students; Educational Assessment; Discussion Groups; Socialization; Statistics; Educational Research; Educational Theories; Mathematics Instruction; Internet; Web Based Instruction; Virtual Classrooms; Instructional Design; Computer Software; Computer Mediated Communication; Access to Education; Comparative Analysis; Time Management; Computer Software Evaluation; Programming; Technology Integration; Hong Kong; Turkey; United States
AbstractE-learning has become a significant aspect of training and education in the worldwide information economy as an attempt to create and facilitate a competent global work force. "Cases on Successful E-Learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy" provides eclectic accounts of case studies in different contexts of e-learning. This advanced publication provides critical insights for practitioners and executives concerned with the management of knowledge, information, and organizational development in various types of work environments and learning communities. Contents of this book include: (1) Virtual Structures and Collaborative Processes to Enhance Teaching and Learning Across Dispersed Sites (Ken Stevens); (2) Development and Evaluation of a Generic Re-Purposable e-Learning Object on Data Analysis (Jillian Griffiths and Jenny Craven); (3) Getting Teachers to use New Technology by just Giving them Time (Terry Haydn and Roy Barton); (4) Dealing with Affective Needs in E-Learning (Yi-Ching Chiu and John Cowan); (5) A Cyber-Apple for the Teacher (Mark Federman and Marilyn Laiken); (6) Cultural Implications of E-learning Access (& Divides) (Pauline Cheong and Judith Martin); (7) Application of VoiceXML in e-Learning Systems (A. Azeta, C. Ayo, A. Atayero and N. Ikhu-Omoregbe); (8) Technophobe to Technophile... Entering the Internet Culture (Pamela Anderson-Mejias); (9) An e-Training Support Program for Regional and Local Development (Vassilis Syrris and Fenia Tsobanopoulou); (10) The e-Learning Puzzle in Turkey (Selcuk Ozdemir); (11) Users' Satisfaction with e-Learning (Adeyinka Tella); (12) A Case Study Analysis of the Use of Online vs. Proctored Final Exams in Online Classes (Stuart Gold); (13) Sharing Insights (Carmen Perez-Fragoso); (14) The Effects of E-learning on African American Males (Tammy Graham and Stephenie Hewett); (15) "Cross Talk" (Susan Wegmann); (16) Building Quality Assessment into Online Courses Across the Institution (Michael Rodgers); (17) Case Study of the CUForum @ CUHK (Peter Jakubowicz); (18) Using Activity Theory to Guide E-Learning Initiatives (Neal Shambaugh); (19) Addressing Online Student Learning Environments and Socialization Through Developmental Research (Ruth Cook and Caroline Crawford); and (20) Teaching Statistics and Operations Research Online (A. Juan, J. Faulin, P. Fonseca, C. Steegmann, L. Pla and S. Rodriguez). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenInformation Science Publishing. Available from: IGI Global. 701 East Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033. Tel: 866-342-6657; Tel: 717-533-8845; Fax: 717-533-8661; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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