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InstitutionACT, Inc.
TitelMeasuring College and Career Readiness: The Class of 2009. Alaska
Quelle(2009), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; High School Graduates; School Readiness; Higher Education; Testing Programs; Measures (Individuals); Educational Indicators; Incidence; Benchmarking; College Preparation; Educational Trends; Trend Analysis; Academic Achievement; College Entrance Examinations; High School Seniors; Occupations; Careers; Access to Information; Educational Opportunities; Ethnic Groups; Racial Differences; Core Curriculum; Population Trends; Course Selection (Students); Difficulty Level; Scores; Graphs; Profiles; Alaska
AbstractThe "Measuring College and Career Readiness" report for each state represents a snapshot of the ACT-tested graduates in the class of 2009 and focuses on their readiness for college and careers. Designed to inform policymakers and practitioners about selected indicators of effectiveness, the report is not intended to be comprehensive but instead is designed to help stimulate discussion, inquiry and action. In interpreting and using the results, keep in mind that the number and percentage of students who took the ACT in any state determine how representative these findings are. The ACT Profile Report for each state provides information about the performance of 2009 graduating seniors who took the ACT as sophomores, juniors or seniors. The reports focus on performance, access, course selection, course rigor, college readiness, awareness, and articulation. This report for the state of Alaska is organized around six questions that are driving national and state efforts to strengthen K-12 education: (1) Are your students prepared for college and careers? (2) Do your standards reflect college and career readiness? (3) Are enough of your students taking core courses? (4) Are your core courses rigorous enough? (5) Are your younger students on track for college and careers? and (6) Are you collecting the right data to keep students on track for college and careers? (Contains 7 endnotes.) [This state report is part of "ACT Profile Report: National--Graduating Class 2009" (ED506367) and "National Overview: Measuring College and Career Readiness--The Class of 2009" (ED506368).] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenACT, Inc. 500 ACT Drive, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, IA 52243-0168. Tel: 319-337-1270; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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