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Autor/inn/enSarkar, Md. Mahbub Alam; Ara, Quazi Afroz Jahan; Raihan, Jahir; Ozaki, Koji
TitelAn Explorative Study on Environmental Literacy among the Secondary Level Students in Bangladesh
Quelle10 (2008), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterRural Schools; Environmental Education; Rural Areas; Foreign Countries; Secondary School Students; Knowledge Level; Conservation (Environment); Student Attitudes; Urban Schools; Questionnaires; School Policy; Bangladesh
AbstractThis study was intended to explore the environmental literacy among the secondary level students of Bangladesh. Specifically, it was designed to: i) determine environmental knowledge of the secondary students, ii) explore their environmental attitude, iii) find out their environment related practices, and iv) explore school's environment-friendly practices. The study found a deficiency in environmental knowledge of the students, specially, the girl students were lagging behind the boy students in this regard. Both the boy and the girl students had a positive environmental attitude. Girl students had significantly better environmental attitude than boy students. The study also revealed that students in the urban and rural areas had good environment related practices. However, school's environment-friendly practices were found not enough to flourish environmental literacy of their students; particularly, the rural schools were lagging behind in this regard. Appended are: (1) MCQ test; (2) Attitude Scale; and (3) Questionnaire. (Contains 3 tables and 2 figures.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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