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Autor/inn/enGarcia Laborda, Jesus; Gimeno Sanz, Ana; Martinez Saez, Antonio
TitelAnticipating Washback in a Computer Based University Entrance Examination: Key Issues
[Konferenzbericht] Paper presented at the International CALL Research Conference "Practice-Based & Practice-Oriented CALL Research," (13th, Antwerp, Belgium, August 30-September 2, 2008).
Quelle(2008), (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterFocus Groups; College Entrance Examinations; English (Second Language); Teacher Attitudes; Computer Assisted Testing; Educational Technology; Technology Integration; Educational Testing; High Stakes Tests; Language Tests; Questionnaires; Secondary School Teachers; Educational Innovation; Foreign Countries; Spain
AbstractThe way in which examinations influence teaching and learning is called washback. This study examined the attitudes of 100 teachers towards the computerization of the English section of the Spanish University Entrance Examination paying special attention to the nature and scope of these changes, and the constraints and benefits. A 10 item questionnaire and 2 sessions with a focus group were used to obtain the data. The paper concludes that although regarded as positive, this change would require additional resources for materials for the schools and the pertinent teacher training. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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