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Sonst. PersonenLuna, Gene (Hrsg.); Gahagan, Jimmie (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
TitelLearning Initiatives in the Residential Setting. The First-Year Experience Monograph Series No. 48
Quelle(2008), (100 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBuilding Design; Physical Environment; Student Personnel Services; Holistic Approach; Student Development; Educational Facilities Design; Dormitories; School Buildings; Partnerships in Education; Learning Activities; Architecture; Educational Environment; Sustainable Development; Classification; Living Learning Centers; College Faculty; Teacher Role
AbstractIn 2004, "Learning Reconsidered" urged educators to think more holistically about student learning and development. "Learning Initiatives in the Residential Setting" provides a framework for putting this call into action at large universities and small colleges alike. Chapters trace the history of learning in residence halls, discuss academic and student affairs partnerships to support student learning, describe a range of current learning initiatives, offer a typology of living-learning programs and principles for establishing such programs, and discuss the impact of architectural design on student learning. A valuable resource for faculty, academic affairs administrators, and housing professionals who seek to maximize the learning potential of campus residence halls. Following a foreword (Mary Stuart Hunter), chapters include: (1) Residence Halls--The Classroom Expanded (Gene Luna and Jimmie Gahagan); (2) From Inventions of Necessity to Necessary Invention: The Evolution of Learning in Residential Settings (Katherine E. Chaddock); (3) Academic/Student Affairs Partnerships in Residential Settings: Principles and Practices (John T. Masterson); (4) Working Toward a Comprehensive Typology of Living-Learning Programs (Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas and Susan Longerbeam); (5) Academic Support Services in the Residential Setting (Randy Hyman and Michael Haynes); (6) The Role of the Faculty in the Residential Setting (David Stewart and Timothy A. Pearson); (7) The Built Environment (Ken Gallaugher and Gene Luna); (8) Principles for Effective Living and Learning Programs (Mary Hummel, Rena Murphy, and William Zeller); and (9) The Future and Sustainability of Residential Learning Initiatives (Jimmie Gahagan and Gene Luna). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. University of South Carolina, 1728 College Street, Columbia, SC 29208. Tel: 803-777-6229; Fax: 803-777-4699; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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