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Autor/inn/enHalfon, Neal; Regalado, Michael; McLearn, Kathryn Taaffe; Kuo, Alice A.; Wright, Kynna
InstitutionCommonwealth Fund, New York, NY.
TitelBuilding a Bridge from Birth to School: Improving Developmental and Behavioral Health Services for Young Children.
Quelle(2003), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Development; Child Health; Delivery Systems; Early Intervention; Health Services; Medical Services; Models; Pediatrics; Prevention; Program Effectiveness; Program Improvement; Quality Control; Young Children
AbstractAlthough most American infants and young children receive adequate well-child care, they may not receive needed help if developmental problems arise. This report examines primary health care services that promote infant/child development and suggests ways to improve those services as part of routine primary child health care. The report details recommendations for developmental services in primary care, which fall into four general categories: assessment, education, intervention, and care coordination. The report highlights a growing body of evidence supporting the clinical effectiveness of developmental health services in primary care settings during a childs first 3 years of life. Several studies report significant gaps between the current child health care guidelines, the care that parents report their children are receiving, and the services pediatric practices currently offer. It is noted that routine monitoring of the quality of developmental health services is currently inadequate, but monitoring does not guarantee either performance of accountability. Barriers to developmental services may be internal, such as insufficient physician training, or external to a physicians office, such as difficulties in determining eligibility for early intervention. The report also notes that several innovative models of integrated developmental services for young children have been developed. Recommendations for improving developmental services are then offered at the provider, practice, community, and policy levels. The report concludes by asserting that with greater attention to improving developmental services for children, the child health care system could be an effective gateway for promoting the best possible development for each child. The report's two appendices contain tables and figures and detail several best practice models. (Contains 64 references.) (KB)
AnmerkungenCommonwealth Fund, One East 75th Street, New York, NY 10021. Tel: 888-777-2744 (Toll Free); Tel: 212-606-3800; Fax: 212-606-3500; Web site: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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