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Ariadne Pfad:


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TitelThe World T.E.A.M. Sports Face of America Character Education Curriculum Package.
Quelle(2002), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Health; Instructional Materials; Interpersonal Relationship; Language Arts; Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; National Standards; Physical Education; Skill Development; Social Studies; Student Educational Objectives; Thematic Approach
AbstractThe Exceptional Athlete Matters (World T.E.A.M.) Sports (WTS) brings individuals together to undertake unique athletic events throughout the world to encourage, promote, and develop opportunities in sports for people, with and without disabilities. This classroom program on character education provides teachers with lesson plans on three themes for healthy minds and healthy bodies: (1) achievement; (2) stereotypes; and (3) strategies. Each lesson plan can serve as its own unit on a theme, while all three lesson plans can also work in unison with one another. Each plan emphasizes skill building, while weaving in character education topics such as empathy, goal setting, and interpersonal relationships, complementing specific goals and objectives for language arts classrooms. The topics include aspects on writing, research, and literary analysis. The curriculum program includes specific modifications on each theme for social studies teachers, health teachers, and physical education teachers. Each lesson plan provides teachers with the lesson's central objective; the skills promoted and developed; the estimated time required for the lesson; a full activity in a transparency-ready form for use on an overhead or as a handout; background information and suggestions to help prepare the lesson; writing prompts modeled after standardized tests; links to the lesson plan's development of character education; and links to national curriculum standards. Contains a list of Web site resources, frequently asked questions, and a glossary. (BT)
AnmerkungenWorld Team Sports, 2108 South Boulevard, Suite 101, Charlotte, NC 28203. Tel: 704-370-6070; Fax: 704-370-7750; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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