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InstitutionKansas Action for Children, Inc., Topeka.
TitelThe State of the State: Building a Better Future for Kansas Kids.
Quelle(2002), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccidents; Adolescents; Birth Weight; Child Health; Child Safety; Children; Comparative Analysis; Dropouts; Early Parenthood; Employed Parents; Homicide; Infant Mortality; Mortality Rate; One Parent Family; Out of School Youth; Poverty; Social Indicators; Suicide; Trend Analysis; Unemployment; Well Being; Kansas
AbstractThis special Kids Count report compares the current well-being of Kansas children to that of children in other states. The statistical portrait is based on a composite rank and 10 indicators of child well-being: (1) percent low birthweight infants; (2) infant mortality rate; (3) child death rate; (4) teen death rate by accident, homicide, and suicide; (5) teen birth rate; (6) percent teens who are high school dropouts; (7) percent teens not attending school and not working; (8) percent children living with parents who do not have full-time, year-round employment; (9) percent of children living in poverty; and (10) percent of families with children headed by a single parent. Following introductory remarks noting that the events of September 11, 2001 motivate efforts to strengthen communities and the state through increased commitment to children, this report details current indicator data for Kansas and provides information on Kansas' rank in comparison to other states, to the best state in the nation, and to the best neighboring state. The report then quantifies improvements needed to match the best state. Findings indicate that, based on a composite ranking of all states, Kansas ranked seventeenth in 1998, in comparison to New Hampshire with the best composite rank and neighboring Iowa with a rank of six. Three strategies are presented to achieve the vision that Kansas children have the best opportunities in which to grow and thrive: (1) invite other individuals and state organizations to adopt this vision as their own; (2) listen to what children and youth say they need; and (3) become advocates for children and youth. The report concludes with a description of the work, mission, and funding sources for the Kansas Action for Children, Inc. (KB)
AnmerkungenKansas Action for Children, Inc., 3360 S.W. Harrison, Topeka, KS 66611. Tel: 785-232-0550; Fax: 785-232-0699; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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