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Autor/inMauk, John
TitelAcademic Third Space: An Emerging Classroom Geography for 21st Century Students.
Quelle(2002), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Educational Environment; Educational Trends; Higher Education; Student Characteristics; Student Participation; Writing Assignments; Writing Instruction
AbstractFor a growing student demographic, college is not an intellectual or residential destination; rather, it is an intellectual errand. Students are, in the most existential sense, "already gone." For commuter students, academia is "unsituated." That is, they experience academia as moments scattered throughout a day or week. In short, today's college students are, more and more, intellectual commuters. This paper discusses this phenomenon as it is manifested in two-year and four-year colleges. According to the paper, given this trend, it has become important for teachers in higher education to begin exploring what happens when a college career, traditionally conceived as a time and space of intellectual immersion, and traditionally lived out within a particular kind of (situating) geography, is defined by a state of constant movement away from campus. The paper poses the following question: What happens to writing pedagogy, and the practices of learning to write, in the absence of traditional university pedagogy, or in the presence of unsituated academic space? It states that in composition studies, educators need to recognize the spatial complexities that define students' lives, but not in order to vanquish those complexities, to wish them away, but to include them in the understanding of how to write. The paper offers several writing assignments which invite students to see themselves, their own bodies, as the intersection between academia and non-academic life. It states that academic third space prompts educators to see students' non-academic lives as generative, not as something to work against--or even something to objectify and exploit--but as a realm of potential action and discourse. (Contains 9 endnotes and a 10-item selected bibliography.) (NKA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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