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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inMcDuffie, Amy Roth
TitelFostering the Process of Becoming a Deliberate Practitioner: An Investigation of Preservice Teachers during Student Teaching.
Quelle(2001), (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Action Research; Elementary Education; Field Experience Programs; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Internship Programs; Journal Writing; Lesson Plans; Observation; Planning; Preservice Teacher Education; Reflective Teaching; Student Teachers; Student Teaching
AbstractThis study examined the efficacy of a student teaching internship component of a teacher education program in fostering the development of reflective practitioners by investigating the experiences of preservice teachers in the program. The study noted the extent to which the various requirements of the student teachers' internships (e.g., journal writing, weekly goal setting, observing other teachers, lesson and unit planning, conducting action research projects, and conferencing with field specialist teachers) contributed to their reflecting on practice. Two preservice elementary teachers were studied during their semester-long student teaching internship. Data collection involved audiotaped interviews with participants and conferences with their field specialist; reflective journal entries and weekly goal statements; lesson and unit plans; data from action research projects; and final research reports. Results indicate that requirements for field experiences must be tailored to meet preservice teachers' individual learning needs and approaches. For example, action research projects were useful in terms of preservice teachers' professional development, though one participant did not consider the experience valuable. Participants also differed in how they benefitted from journal writing and observing other teachers. (Contains 25 references.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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