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InstitutionMontana State Office of Public Instruction, Helena.
TitelCurriculum Planning Guidelines for Tobacco Use Prevention and Education.
Quelle(2000), (54 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Child Development; Child Health; Comprehensive School Health Education; Curriculum Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Health Behavior; Program Development; Smoking; Tobacco; Montana
AbstractThis curriculum planning guide is designed to help Montana school districts design an appropriate tobacco use prevention and education program. It focuses on: "Tobacco Use Prevention Education: The OPI (Office of Public Instruction) Perspective"; "Instructional Guidelines" (key issues in program planning and major health education content areas); "Guidelines for School Health Programs To Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction: An Overview of the CDC Guidelines"; "Guidelines for School Health Programs To Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction"; "CDC/DASH (CDC's Division of Adolescent and School Health) Research to Classroom Project"; "General Criteria for Evaluating Tobacco Use Prevention and Education Curricula"; "Matching Approaches To Tobacco Use Prevention and Education With Childhood Development"; "Educational Materials and Resources on Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation"; "Guidelines for Reviewing Tobacco Use Prevention Education Materials"; "Guidelines for Non-School Personnel Presenting Health Programs in Montana Schools"; "A Dozen Good Reasons for Tobacco-Free Schools"; and "Where to Find Information." (Contains 71 references.) (SM)
AnmerkungenMontana Office of Public Instruction, Tobacco Use Prevention and Education, P.O. Box 202501, Helena, MT 59620-2501. Tel: 406-444-9446.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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