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Autor/inn/enDoolittle, Martha; Ryan, Marci
InstitutionAustin Independent School District, TX. Office of Program Evaluation.
TitelTitle IV Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Evaluation Report, 1999-2000. Collaborative Efforts in Supporting Healthy Youth.
Quelle(2000), (141 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCompensatory Education; Drug Education; Educational Finance; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Aid; Prevention; Professional Development; School Districts; School Safety; Violence
AbstractThe Austin Independent School District, Texas (AISD) receives federal funds through the U. S. Department of Education's Title IV Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) grant program. The purpose of the Title IV SDFSC grant is to supplement local schools' efforts to eliminate violence and the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs among students. With 1999-2000 Title IV SDFSC expenditures of more than $13 million, AISD used a multifaceted approach to the prevention and reduction of student substance use and violence. The approach included prevention and intervention efforts at each campus, and all campuses received Title IV funds based on a per pupil allocation. Programs and services were provided through campus-level activities, district-level student programs, curriculum and staff development, and support staff and services. The yearlong evaluation identified several key factors that have been instrumental in the progress AISD has made toward grant goals. These key factors include: staff teamwork; AISD partnership with community organizations; and the variety of programs directed at students. Recommendations are made for the improvement of services provided under this grant. Nine appendixes contain supplemental information about the grant, program implementation, and the evaluation process. (Contains 6 tables, 17 figures, and 48 references.) (SLD)
AnmerkungenAustin Independent School District, Department of Accountability, Office of Program Evaluation, 1111 W. Sixth Street, Austin, TX 78703.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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