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Autor/inJohnson, Andrew P.
TitelA Model Gifted Education Program for Elementary Schools: Process and Product.
Quelle(1999), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAbility Identification; Academic Achievement; Creative Art; Creativity; Demonstration Programs; Elementary Education; Gifted; Leadership Training; Models; Talent Development; Theater Arts; Visual Arts
AbstractThis paper describes a process used to create or revise a gifted education program and a model gifted education program for elementary schools that includes methods of identification and ideas for programming. The following steps are outlined for creating or revising a gifted education program: (1) read relevant textbooks to get a feel for gifted education; (2) designate a committee; (3) identify a philosophy or mission statement; (4) describe the rationale; (5) list program goals; (6) define giftedness; (7) design a method of identification based on the definition; and (8) create programs to meet the needs of those students identified. The paper then describes a gifted education program developed for Grantsburg Elementary School in Grantsburg, Wisconsin. The program is intended to help all students reach their full potential, increase the over-all academic and intellectual strength of the school system, recognize the importance of thought in the development of humankind's advancement in the world, and promote a climate of excellence. The program is organized around the following four areas: creativity and intelligence, specific academic areas, the visual and performing arts, and leadership. Appendices include a teacher creativity inventory, assessment forms, and a glossary. (Contains 12 references.) (CR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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