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Autor/inn/enBrock, Clifford M.; Chrestman, Charles; Armstrong, Larry
InstitutionItawamba Community Coll., Fulton, MS.
TitelAdministrative Evaluation for Faculty Retention. A Systematic Approach to Faculty Evaluation and Retention.
Quelle(1999), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Administration; College Faculty; Community Colleges; Evaluation Methods; Faculty Development; Faculty Evaluation; Faculty Promotion; Teacher Administrator Relationship; Two Year Colleges; Work Environment
AbstractTo maintain a high level of trust between faculty and administration at Itawamba Community College (ICC), a system of faculty evaluation for purposes of contract renewal has been developed. At ICC, the faculty review process, a system for the improvement of teaching and learning, is defined as a different function. This report provides an overview of the faculty review and evaluation processes. The evaluation process at ICC is characterized by the following: it is short, it is data-driven and quantifiable, it is clear, it is fair, it reflects the accountability that is the hallmark of the new millennium, and it has meaning. The components used in the evaluation are driven by the job description. Points are assigned to the following components of the process: (1) teaching, which includes student ratings of instruction and advising, material preparation, recordkeeping and instructional management, advising, and student retention yield, accounts for 75 percent; (2) service to the college accounts for 10 percent; (3) service to the profession or industry accounts for 5 percent; and (4) other expectations (professional development), which includes creative and/or scholarly production (academic faculty) and compliance with standards established by external agencies (technical/vocational faculty), accounts for 10%. Attached to the report are a timetable of retention activities for the fall and spring semesters, and an administrative evaluation form. (VWC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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