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Autor/inn/enBalbale, Muneeb; Stamoolis, Josh; Lawson, Pete; Woodiwiss, Ariel
TitelWhat Value Do College Admissions Directors Place on School-to-Work Experiences? Wheaton North High School Field Study Project.
Quelle(1999), (101 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Admission Criteria; Admissions Officers; College Preparation; Education Work Relationship; Educational Attitudes; Field Experience Programs; High School Students; High Schools; Higher Education; Internship Programs; Outcomes of Education; Practicums; Questionnaires; School Effectiveness; Student Experience; Student Publications; Student Research
AbstractA team of four high school juniors conducted a field study to determine the value that college admissions directors place on school-to-work (STW) experiences, which were defined not as traditional vocational education but rather as field study designed to give students an appreciation for and practice in exercising the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in college and throughout their careers and lives. Data came from interviews with admissions officers from a sample of 36 lower-, middle-, and high-tier colleges and universities across the country. High school academic performance was the first criterion considered in the college admissions process. The higher the quality of the college/university, the greater the value placed on extracurricular activities, including STW. Most admissions officers surveyed were unfamiliar with STW. Three-fourths of those surveyed placed little or no value on STW programs such as career exploration and job shadowing; however, two-thirds placed high value on service learning and internship programs. Fewer than 10% of those surveyed believed that the value placed on STW programs in the admissions process would increase. (Appended are the following: confirmation letter; interview questions; list of colleges/universities interviewed; list of STW definitions; notes from the team and project manager; and report forwarding letter.) (MN)
AnmerkungenCharles C. Jett, 1113 N. Irving, Wheaton, IL 60187.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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