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Autor/inn/enTrotter, Jennie C.; Jones, LaTuan T.
InstitutionWholistic Stress Control Inst., Atlanta, GA.
TitelCreate Peace Now. The Peace Project: An In-School Suspension Program for Middle and High School Students with Violent Behaviors.
Quelle(1998), (141 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Behavior Patterns; Conflict Resolution; Curriculum; Disadvantaged Youth; High School Students; High Schools; In School Suspension; Intermediate Grades; Junior High Schools; Middle School Students; Middle Schools; Prevention; School Safety; Stress Variables; Urban Schools; Urban Youth; Violence
AbstractThe Peace Project was initiated in 1993 by the Wholistic Stress Control Institute in conjunction with three schools to develop an intervention for middle school students who were repeatedly suspended for violent behaviors. It is an in-school suspension program for violent youth. The project provides training and services in conflict resolution, stress management, and peace education in a 9-hour program. The program is a comprehensive, interactive program that uses lectures, videos, group discussions, and role playing. This manual is divided into four parts. The first section is an overview and evaluation report for the Project's third year of operation in a middle school in an inner city Atlanta (Georgia) neighborhood. In the third year 282 students participated in the program, 35 teachers received violence prevention training, and 30 parents received training or information. The Peace Project reduced the number of suspensions by 25 percent. Part II contains copies of all the forms used in the Peace Project for instructors to copy. Part III is the Peace Project curriculum. The beginning of the section presents several cartoons on violence prevention. The curriculum itself is a 3-day curriculum with four of five lessons that could be taught. Part IV provides a variety of resource information on violence prevention educational materials, including 30 videos, 13 manuals and curricula, 3 sets of cassettes, 7 books, 6 excerpts from publications, and a reading list from the National Criminal Justice Clearinghouse. (SLD)
AnmerkungenWholistic Stress Control Institute, Inc., 2545 Benjamin E. Mays Drive, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30311; P.O. Box 42481, Atlanta, GA 30311; phone: 404-755-0068 or 404-755-2976.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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