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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enIrby, Beverly J.; Brown, Genevieve
TitelAn Exploratory Study of Perceptions of Preservice Administrators on Traditional versus Electronic Career Advancement Portfolios.
Quelle(1998), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Administrator Education; Career Development; Computer Uses in Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Leadership Training; Multimedia Materials; Portfolios (Background Materials); Student Attitudes
AbstractThis study, conducted by Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, investigated differences in preservice administrators' perceptions of electronic and paper career advancement portfolios, noting their perceptions of the potential value for career advancement of each type of portfolio. The study occurred during one semester in a leadership preparation program in a Texas university. A group of 14 preservice administrators completed an electronic portfolio, and 25 completed a paper portfolio. Both groups received training in portfolio development. All participants completed a questionnaire about the development of portfolios for use in administrative career advancement. The questionnaire examined: (1) administrator's initial impressions regarding construction of career advancement portfolios prior to training in portfolio development; (2) the extent to which their thoughts differed during the process of portfolio development; (3) the extent to which their perceptions differed regarding their completed portfolios; and (4) the extent to which their beliefs regarding the value of portfolios for career development differed. Results indicated they felt stress at the thought of developing such tools prior to training. The groups differed in their concerns during the development process, with the electronic portfolio group having added stressors about the electronic media. Though both groups reported feelings of accomplishment, confidence, and pleasure upon completion, the electronic portfolio group addressed many issues regarding electronic technology. Most preservice administrators felt the portfolios would be valuable for career advancement, though the electronic group had some concerns. (Contains 7 references.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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