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Autor/inColbeck, Carol L.
TitelIt's All in How You Look at Things: Alternative Constructions of Professors' Undergraduate Education Role.
Quelle(1995), (35 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Studie; College Faculty; Efficiency; Faculty Workload; Higher Education; Noninstructional Responsibility; Qualitative Research; Teacher Student Relationship; Teaching Styles; Time Management; Undergraduate Study
AbstractSurveys that ask faculty to estimate how much time they spend on teaching, research, and service do not allow for activities which fulfill more than one purpose, fail to capture the patterns of actions that faculty perform to fulfill each purpose; and do not show how different features of organizational and disciplinary contexts affect the types of faculty work activities. This study used structured observations and interviews to examine the faculty work patterns of 12 white male full professors in the prime of their careers. It found that faculty do not always choose between teaching and research or other purposes of work, but combine activities to achieve multiple purposes at the same time. The critical differences in whether faculty approach undergraduate teaching as performers or as facilitators of student learning emerge from analysis of elements of faculty members' work contexts, their out-of-class actions, and their interpretations of those actions. Tables and an appendix present detailed data on time allocation to work categories; faculty activities and amount of time; social construction of faculty undergraduate teaching roles; and undergraduate education actions, and a sample activity/time log. (Contains 34 references.) (MAH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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