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Sonst. PersonenWall, Denis (Hrsg.); Owen, Michael (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAthabasca Univ., Edmonton (Alberta).; Alberta Univ., Edmonton. Canadian Circumpolar Inst.
TitelDistance Education and Sustainable Community Development: Selected Articles from a Conference on Distance Education and Sustainable Community Development, Canadian Circumpolar Institute (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 1990).
Quelle(1992), (167 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adult Education; American Indian Education; Canada Natives; Community Development; Delivery Systems; Distance Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Geographic Isolation; Higher Education; Literacy Education; Program Development; Rural Education; Sustainable Development; Teacher Education
AbstractThis proceedings contains 13 papers on the role of distance education in sustainable community development, particularly in Canada's remote northern communities. Four sections cover theoretical issues such as the meaning of "community" in international distance programs and the influence of students' immediate community on their survival in distance education programs; international and African perspectives; specific Canadian projects, including three involving First Nations communities; and issues related to management, pedagogy, and the student-teacher relationship. Papers are: (1) "Thoughts on the Theory of Community and Distance-Education: The Significance for Maintenance and Sustainability of Development Programs" (Denis Wall); (2) "Linking Distance Education to Sustainable Community Development" (Michael Robinson); (3) "Trends and Issues in Distance Education with Implications for Northern Development" (Margaret Haughey); (4) "Distance Education in Northern and Remote Communities: Understanding Social Networks, Change, and Process" (Richard D. Hotchkis, Linda Driedger); (5) "Commonwealth of Learning and Distance Education" (Hafiz Wali); (6) "The Role of Adult Education in Assisting Sustainable Development in Remote Area Dwellers of Botswana" (Johannes N. S. Mutanyatta); (7) "Successfully Implementing a Native Teacher Education Program through Distance Education in Labrador" (Dennis B. Sharpe); (8) "Distance Education Delivery Networks--Role in Community and Institutional Development" (Terry Anderson); (9) "Developing and Implementing a Distance Education Secondary School Program for Isolated First Nation Communities in Northwestern Ontario" (Margaret Fiddler); (10) "Literacy Proposal for the Community of Nose Creek, Alberta" (Pat Larsen); (11) "Distance Education: En Route from Management to Pedagogy" (W. Bruce Clark); (12) "Teacher Perspectives on Distance Education" (Noel Gour); and (13) "Library Services to Athabasca University Students" (Steve Schafer). Contains references. (SV)
AnmerkungenUniv. of Alberta, Old St. Stephen's College, 8820-112 Street, Room 302, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G EE1 ($18); Culture Concepts, 5 Darlington Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9A 3H4.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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