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Autor/inPerras, Cynthia L.
TitelParental Perspectives on Integrated as Opposed to Contained Class Placements for Developmentally Challenged Children.
Quelle(1995), (102 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Curriculum; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Inclusive Schools; Mainstreaming; Mental Retardation; Parent Attitudes; Social Integration; Social Isolation; Special Classes; Student Placement; Well Being; Canada
AbstractThis study explored experiences of 10 Ontario parents of adolescents with mental retardation concerning integrated versus contained elementary and secondary school placements, especially attitudes about curriculum, social acceptance, support services, educators, and advocacy. All students were currently in a contained placement but had experience in both integrated and contained settings. Data gathered included a profile sheet, a questionnaire, a review of the Ontario Student Record, and a home interview. Results indicated that most parents were dissatisfied with integrated educational placements primarily because they perceived their children to be lonely and socially isolated. Parents also identified concerns with the mainstream curriculum. Conversely, parents tended to express satisfaction with contained educational placements as they perceived their children to be happy, have friends, and be engaged in meaningful appropriate curriculum. Parents perceived administrators and teachers to be accepting of their children in both integrated and contained settings. Funding and support services for mainstream placement were considered inadequate. Most parents were not given choices regarding educational placement at the secondary level. Results support the need to continue to offer a range of placement options. Appendices contain forms used in the study, the questionnaire, and a table showing enrollment and level of integration by exceptionality. (Contains approximately 65 references.) (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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