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Autor/inGates, Jane Potter
InstitutionNational Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD.
TitelEducational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture. 8th Edition.
Quelle(1995), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; Agricultural Education; Apprenticeships; College Programs; Conservation (Environment); Educational Opportunities; Elementary Secondary Education; Environmental Education; Extension Agents; Higher Education; Information Sources; Institutions; Nontraditional Education; Organizations (Groups); Rural Education; Rural Extension; Science Education; Training
AbstractThis directory provides information on over 200 institutions and organizations that are involved in organic, alternative, or sustainable agriculture and that also focus on education, training, or provision of information. The directory was compiled by the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC), which is 1 of 10 information centers within the National Agricultural Library that provide in-depth coverage of specific subject areas relating to agricultural sciences. AFSIC focuses on alternative farming systems that aim at maintaining agricultural productivity and profitability, while protecting natural resources. The directory includes sections on institutions and organizations mostly in the United States and Canada with some overseas contacts. Each listing includes address, name of contact person, and a brief program description. Included are undergraduate and graduate degree programs, extension services, research programs, environmental education programs for elementary and secondary students, workshops and seminars, multidisciplinary training programs, and information sources. The guide also provides information on the regional offices of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, which offer competitive research grants in agricultural sciences. (LP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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